I endeavor to produce work that is complex and cohesive, sensuous and refined. A painting should be like a good book or piece of music that one wants to return to many times.
The world has more than enough barbarism, chaos and crudity. I don’t wish to add to it in my art.
Representing the human form is for me the best way to express my feelings about the human condition.
Other than commissions, my work is total invention, joining together subject matter from many different sources.
For a work of art to be a mirror of our deeper selves it must have sufficient aesthetic appeal to get us to look into it in the first place.
Mystery and ambiguity serve to trigger memory and imagination. Art lacking these elements may be technically proficient but not necessarily interesting. The careful depiction of recognizable subject matter can be a tool, a visual "hook" to capture and hold the viewer’s interest and form a gateway into the realms of thought, emotions and the subconscious.
Other than commissions, my works are total inventions, combining together subject matter from many diff On occasion I Other than commissions, my works are total inventions, combining together subject matter from many different Other than commissions, my works are total inventions, combining together subject matter from many different sources.
will create still lifes simply because I find the shapes and colurs of certain objectsinteresting and enjoy painting themerent sources.
Other than commissions, my works are total inventions, combining together subject matter from many different sources.
On occasion I will create still lifes simply because I find the shapes and colurs of certain objectsinteresting and enjoy painting them